Monday, June 18, 2007

The Cheese Incident

This weekend I took an overnight trip to a nearby town called Machakos (sounds exotic) with some colleagues. After a two hour bus ride through rolling hills and mountains, we arrived safely. Thanks to the Lonely Planet Guide to Kenya, we were able to locate a discount hotel that saved money on hot water (there was none) and flush toilets (apparently just for decoration). We're thrifty.

Machakos was a nice change of pace from Kitui, and it had an enormous grocery store that sold refrigerated food, clothing, bikes, furniture, etc. I went a little wild and bought some cheddar cheese that claimed it came from Holland but was also made in Kenya. I think I was too overwhelmed by the notion of the dairy product I had so been missing that I failed to take caution in this discrepancy. Let this be a lesson in impulse-buying in Kenya, as I do believe I have met the first cheese I didn't like. My dreams of hosting wine and cheese parties upon arriving at my site have been dashed.

This week we began our first real "hands on" project, working with the community to build a sub-service dam to collect rainwater for use in cooking, cleaning, bathing, and drinking. This afternoon I'll also begin my first day at the Voluntary Counseling and Testing Clinic in Kitui. It's good to start feeling productive and embark on some projects.

Still avoiding sunburn, and the chicken is getting along nicely with it's fellow companions. One of our other chickens had 10 baby chicks, so they're running around following the mother and squeaking with delight. If only they knew of thier impending fate. At least free-range chickens are healthier, right?


Anonymous said...

Hoi Annemarieke,

Via Jan en Maria op de hoogte van jouw reis en werkzaamheden in Afrika. Inmiddels op de site gekeken en al wat gelezen.
Heel veel succes en groetjes vanuit Nederland.

Wilma, Huub en Freek

Anonymous said...

Hoi Marieke,
Zo te lezen geen kans op verveling! Jammer van je kaas partijtje, maar dat hou je maar te goed voor in Holland!
Vandaag hebben we hier een prachtige zonnige dag, eigenlijk te warm om te gaan werken. Jasper en Thomas moeten direct naar de winkel om vakken te gaan vullen, ik geloof dat ze niet zoveel zin hebben! Maar als ze straks wat geld willen hebben als ze naar de v.s. gaan,ja dan zullen ze wel moeten!Fijn voor jou dat je nu eindelijk iets zinvols omhanden krijgt daar ga je toch voor!
Gelukkig voor de kip dat zij nog rond scharrelt en inderdaad een scharrelkip is gezond!
Tot gauw schrijfs, je verhalen zijn prachtig!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl!!! I finally checked your blog. so many fascinating experiences! i love to read up on your life. thanks so much for keeping us all updated. i miss you much.

Sally said...

Dam, Anna, great job! Ah, the puns.

I am SO SAD reading about the bad cheese. I love cheese, as I know you do too.

Anonymous said...

I've dispatched a team to the heart of Wisconsin to bring you America's finest, ASAP. Soooo great to read your stories--I can just picture you there with all of those great experiences! Looking forward to more...missing you...Mike Mings

Stop Vegetarianism Now said...

Maybe they'll let you taste-test the cheese at other markets! Or maybe you can marry your host brother and your parents can ship over a cow as a dowry...then you can make your own cheese, sp!!

Anonymous said...

Hi boo,

It's me, Nazzy. I am finally settled in Los Angeles! Now that my furniture is here and I have internet access, I am ready to spend the rest of my time reading your blog. Forget intern year.
Today we had orientation for the LA County Hospital. There was a police officer who told us that if we are approached by someone with a gun, 'FIGHT!' - thanks. great advice. He topped it with, 'well if you are ever gonna get shot, THIS is the where you want to be b/c we are a hospital' - wow, now I am feel much better.

I have a great apartment, but I drive past the LA county jail on my way to work. I will be sure to tell Paris hello from you. My mom came to visit and every time we drove by the jail she would ask me 'what building is that' and I would tell her it's an art museum. Otherwise, she would probably pack her bags and move in with me, and bring Ginny. And Ginny's tanning lotion.

Well I look forward to all of your blogs and I hope you are doing well. I love reading them, they crack me up. Can I send you a package at the mailing address you have posted?

Let me know if there is anything specific that you need.

Love you!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Annemarie,
I am glad you have a "working " day now. Makes you feel better to put all of that knowledge to work. :))
Did you receive any snail mail yet from me? I do hope so. The weather is also very hot here. At last we had a thunder shower last evening. Makes for a refreshing Sunday morning.
I am sorry that you were disappointed in the cheese. You know they don't make it better or even the same than in Holland. Just save your cheese and wine party ideas until you will be in Holland again.
Enjoy the baby chicks; they soon will land on your plate.
Have a great week and keep on blogging.
Love you,
Tante Nel & Oom Jac
PS Thank you Frida for the kind words. hugs and kiss JUST for YOU !

Anonymous said...

Hoi Annemarie,

Ik kreeg deze link van mijn moeder (Rita, een vriendin van jouw moeder uit Kaatsheuvel), leuk om te lezen wat je daar allemaal meemaakt!

Groetjes, Charlotte