Saturday, June 2, 2007

Still in Kenya

Last night we had chicken for dinner, which we sacrificed right before cooking it (by "we" I mean my fearless host mother). It was quite an experience, and now I think I fully understand the phrase "running around like a chicken with it's head cut off". This particular chicken did not have a chance to run, but I can picture it. Can you? The chicken was tasty, and I saw the feet had been tossed in the stew as well. I picked them out and fed them to the cats, who were quite appreciative. There is always plenty of food at the house, and very carb-heavy, and I'm amazed at how efficient the cooking is, combining all sorts of things to make a good meal (ha, and you thought I would lose weight here?!).

The other day I awoke to a large bug perched on the arm of my chair in my room. I went back to sleep, warning it that I wanted it gone by the time I needed to get up. This did not work, so I finally gathered the courage to crawl out from under my mosquito net and go about my morning routine, trying not to disturb it. I bathed and got dressed and it did not move, so I finally called my host mama into my room to ask her what it was, assuring her I was not scared. She replied "not a scorpion", picked it up with her bare hands and tossed it outside. Phew.

Other than that my days are full of Kiswahili and technical lessons such as how to purify water and how to identify the symptoms of malaria. I'm learning.

Thanks for the posts, you're making me laugh out loud here in the post office in Kitui, which is providing even more entertainment for the locals than usual.

oh, and EVERYONE here has a nose ring. Grrrr...


Anonymous said...

Dag Annemarie, Volgens mij zat er een Dutch gruwelijke grote groene grottegriezel op jouw stoel. Dapper van jouw host mama, want die zijn normaal niet met blote handen aan te pakken. Wij krijgen de indruk dat ondanks al de nieuwe ervaringen, het goed met je gaat. Dat vinden wij fijn.
Hele lieeeeeeve groetjes
Toos en Frans

Frida said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Scary Mary Z said...

these comments in dutch are no fun for me. ah well. i looooooove reading your blog - as we've discussed, you're an awesome writer. can't wait for the book...WRITE more than this blog, ok? still in boston, 11 days. if we don't win this, i blame you ;) ruthie sends her love, so does her twin. UGH.
MUAH XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO miss the shit out of's weird to think of my apt all alone while i'm here :)

Frida said...

hahaha .. papa en mama kennen die beesten zo te zien al! Krijgen wij straks via je blog ook nog een paar woordjes Kiswahili? Lijkt me leuk.Je neusring heb je toen uitgedaan maar kan die nu niet meer in (of heb je die ook echt thuisgelaten, want dan stuur ik er een op!)?? Jammer anders was je nu helemaal geintegreerd. Lekker klinkt de kip ... tot snel, dikke kusX frida

Stop Vegetarianism Now said...

Next time, you should cut the chicken's head off yourself. I want you to have a FULL cultural experience. Love you sp!

Anonymous said...

Habara ya subuyi Anna!
Thanks for keeping us up-to-date. You are doing well, I can tell from your messages. Hey! you are fighting with bugs, I am fighting with birds making nest in my Christmas Cactus plant at the patio. I tossed the nest away and the bird throw a tantrum by chirping loudly, flew away and came with another birdie. If I was outside, I guess I would have been attacked. They looked for the nest to no avail and flew away.

When you are laughing while reading your blog, the locals might think that you crazy. Did you particpate in plucking the chicken?
Greetings to your host family, take care.


Anonymous said...

Lieeeeeeeeve Annemarie,
Eindelijk eens weer iets uit de Low Countries. We see you are fine. Dat is fijn om te lezen in de blog. It is nice to know that you are doing things that many more people had to doe, inclusive ourselves. Why we don't?? Difficult to say. But in the meantime we are very proud of you!!!!!. Thank you for your e-mail. We were at the time on hollidays, sio the e-mail box was full. We all hope you are fine. Frida is in Nepal and India. We see her next saturday. We were in Scotland and Martijn was in Spain. Next saturday we all are at home. We think often how do you do overthere. We "vinden jou lieeeeeeef". We talk to your parents via skipe. In kilometers you are far away, but in the hart, you be with us!!!!. If we can help you wityh anything, please let us know, maybe we can help you.
Lieve Annemarie, wij denken aan jou en houden van jou en bewonderen jou. Love, warm regards, hartelije groeten van de familioe Lucas uit Engelen. Wij vinden jou Lieeeeeeeef.