Friday, June 29, 2007

This week PC staff came to get us fitted for our bikes which we will receive upon arriving to our site. They measured our height and head circumference for helmets, but there was no mention of training wheels, so I assume they come standard. Hmm.

While giving us our next round of injections, the medical staff mentioned they were surprised about my lack of sunburn. I suspect one of the nurses lost a bet. So far so good.

The rest of my week has been uneventful, as life has started to settle into a routine. One morning I did have a staring contest with a goat on my way to training. It was in my path and not willing to move, so I had to amuse myself somehow.

This weekend we travel back to Nairobi for a week where we find out our site and assignment for the next two years. We'll also get to travel to the site to become acquainted with the community and meet our supervisors. Since this involves making a good first impression, travelling on our own, and coping with whatever comes up, I'm sure to have some good stories from this adventure. In fact, we've been given next Monday off in order to "recover" from the week if that gives you any indication about what's expected of us.

Happy 4th of July. I'll try my best to locate a BBQ pool party at my new site, but in case I am not successful, celebrate Independence Day with a bit of extra patriotism for me. Thank you.

I'll update next week, and until then, no news is good news!


Melanie said...

Good luck!!

Unknown said...

watch out for those goats, so did you win the staring contest?

Scary Mary Z said...

did you ask the goat for some cheese? xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hey Anna!

I have been following along as you have been posting. Makes for great reading during my summer classes! It sounds like you are doing great. I am jealous, but I suspect that would rapidly dissipate if I were actually there.
Good luck this week and I hope your site is grand!

Don't let those goats sass you!

-Liz Marcey

Anonymous said...

Hoi Annemarieke,
Ja, fietsen dat hoef jij niet meer te leren, dat heb je in Frankrijk voldoende kunnen oefenen! Vooral het in de heuvels fietsen!Jan die fietst nu wat minder want die heeft zijn sleutelbeen gebroken! Ik begrijp dat je in discusie met een geit bent geweest, daar zul je niet veel wijzer van geworden zijn!
Hier gaat alles zijn gangetje, het weer is verschrikkelijk slecht alleen maar regen en nog eens regen. Helaas het is niet anders. Annemarieke geniet van de zon en tot gauw schrijfs!