Monday, May 21, 2007

Anna's in Kenya

...for 27 months to be an Peace Corps HIV/AIDS Educator. My adventure begins May 21, 2007 in Philadelphia, PA for two days of "staging" and then we ship off to Nairobi. The next 10 weeks are spent in Kitui (bless you) for training where I learn Kiswahili and other such skills. During this time I live with a Kenyan host family and am referred to as a "Peace Corps Trainee" (PCT). I will probably have some Internet access during this time, and am able to also receive something called regular mail. My address until August is as follows:

Anna Lucas/PCT
PO Box 30518
Nairobi, Kenya

(include "air mail" and "par avion" on the envelope, otherwise it may never get here)

I am looking forward to the fan mail. I might even write back!


Anonymous said...

Dear Anna,
I wish you a safe trip to Nairobi. Liefs, Tante Nel
One man /woman has enthusiasm for 30 minutes, another for 30 days, but it is the man /woman who has it for 30 years who makes a success of his / her life.
by Edward B. Butler

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hello again,
I am enjoying your blog entries. My suggestion for the chicken's name is Trainee, how appropriate, hahah it is training to be a gooooooood tasting chicken.
I don't like the description of the bugs you have there. You must talk to it in Kashwili, it doesn't understand English....
Lots of Love for this week...tante Nel and oom Jack

Anonymous said...

Anna, I can't believe that you are in Kenya. I hope you are careful, don't go anywhere near someplace that could be dangerous. I thought you could go home at Christmas, but I was told you don't leave before the end of your 27 months. I will enjoy reading about your adventure. Take care, Kathleen