Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like...

...matumbo? -The Swahili word for goat intestines, which are a popular dish in Kenya.

Not to be confused with Mutomo.

Last week was another public holiday, so we decided to throw an early Christmas party, complete with roasting a goat and his innards.

See exhibit A (top right) for the before pose and exhibit B for the after. The goat was purchased at the market that morning (to ensure freshness), tied to a tree with rope, and was nibbling at the grass enjoying it's last meal and whining in protest rather loudly. Suffice it to say,
the meat tasted a little sweeter after enduring this.

The food is roasted over an open fire. Instead of chestnuts this holiday season, we had goat meat. As you can see, I am eating with my hands, which is not only lots of fun, but also culturally acceptable. I'm integrating into the community as best I can. Before digging in, I made certain we all washed our hands thoroughly with water poured from a pitcher over a basin. They don't call me the Health and Hygiene Promotion Advisor for nothin.

This year, my holidays will be spent at Tiwi Beach, just south of Mombasa on the coast of Kenya. Since several different forms of public transportation are required to reach my destination, some entertaining stories are sure to result. Kenya are holding their presidential and parliamentary elections on the 27th of December, but if all goes according to plan, I'll be lounging at the side of the Indian Ocean, toes in the sand, avoiding sunburn under the shelter of an enormous paper umbrella floating in an equally enormous cocktail.

Safe and happy holidays, everyone.


Stop Vegetarianism Now said...

Ah hem! "Intergrating into the community as best I can"??? How's that Maryland shirt working out for you? ;)

An update from the states: The White House is on fire. Just fyi.

Happy Holidays, sp!!

Anonymous said...

love the pre-post goat idea!

p.s. they extinguished the fire

Anonymous said...

Shall we call you HaHPA for short? Thanks for the update - I'm sure I'm not the only one so addicted to your blogs I was beginnning to be concerned at the VERY LONG GAP in postings - I write, selfishly.


Anonymous said...

Beste Annemarie
Alvast prettige feestdagen en een gezond 2008.
Het kaartje is onder weg
Groetjes oom Herman en tante Els.

Anonymous said...

The look on your face makes the goat seem even MORE delicious.

How great that you're going to the beach! Send pictures!

Anonymous said...

To all of Anna's friends:

We, her parents, just finished talking to her (Jan 1st),and she is doing well. She is staying in a coast town named Mnarani, with some of her Peace Corps colleagues. The Peace Corps keeps them informed on the happenings in the country via text messaging and they have been told not to travel. There is no violence around her, but the stores are running out of supplies. We will update you on this blog when we know more.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, girl. And you thought our elections were contested! I'm glad you're in contact with your 'rents. You stay smart and safe, and we'll get the stories later. Miss ya!

Anonymous said...

hello, here are Anna's parents again

Anna and her colleagues are staying put- no changes in their situation- they've bought carbohydrate rich staples, such as flour, oatmeal and pasta, so they won't go hungry.

If anything changes we will let you know-

Scary Mary Z said...

Thank you, Mrs. Lucas! We really do appreciate the updates.

Anna, we love you and are thinking of you!

The Jolly Roger said...


Much love and stay safe. But if worse comes to worse, yell "BROOKLYN!" and go up strong to the hoop! :)


Anonymous said...

are any of the problems ive been reading about close to where you are???


Anonymous said...

The violence closest to Anna is in Mombasa, which is approximately an hour away from the town where she is. But it looks like things are calming down everywhere in the country. Anna and her colleagues's biggest challenge now is how to ration the food they have and how to cope with the immediate and long-term uncertainty.

We call her every day and give her your messages.

Anna's parents

Melanie said...

Thank you for the updates! Please keep them coming and send Anna my love.

dcfurious said...

Just wear your Kenya Rugby shirt and no one will f*ck with you. BTW, here is their website if ya wanna keep up with the team-
They just recently edged the US by one point in a tournament. Kenya has cool looking jerseys so if you have the chance to earn yourself some trophy clothing... ;)
Stay safe and enjoy the gourmet intestines while you can- back in the states they are just plain ole pork rinds. xoxoxo Candace